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- Transition planning and requirements
Transition planning and requirements
The training packages are updated on a regular basis to ensure that they continue to meet industry and regulatory requirements. Training organisations are expected to perform a significant amount of maintenance work when there is a transition to a new package. The failure to manage transition planning can have negative consequences for your training organisation, students, and regulatory status.
VET stakeholders benefit when learners are trained, assessed, and awarded AQF certification documentation in the currently endorsed or accredited training product unless extraordinary circumstances exist.
When planning the transition from a superseded training product to a current one, you will need information such as:
- The person/s responsible for managing the transition.
- Is the scope updated automatically or does the new training product need to be added to scope.
- Dates to make internal/version changes to updated/new training products and resources.
- The teach-out period for students in the current training product.
- Date for moving/transitioning current students to the new training product and the last date for enrolling students in the superseded training product.
- The last date for issuing a qualification or statement of attainment for the superseded product.
- When to stop marketing the superseded, deleted and removed training products.
Always remember the responsibility for compliance sits with the training organisation at all times.
Compliance requirements
The compliance requirements according to SRTOs 2015 – Clauses 1.26 to 1.27—Manage transition from superseded training products state that:
Clause 1.26
Subject to clause 1.27 and unless otherwise approved by the VET Regulator, the RTO ensures that:
where a training product on its scope of registration is superseded, all learners’ training and assessment is completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation is issued or learners are transferred into its replacement, within a period of one year from the date the replacement training product was released on the national register
where an AQF qualification is no longer current and has not been superseded, all learners’ training and assessment is completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued within a period of two years from the date the AQF qualification was removed or deleted from the national register
where a skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course or module is no longer current and has not been superseded, all learners’ training and assessment is completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued within a period of one year from the date the skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course or module was removed or deleted from the national register
a new learner does not commence training and assessment in a training product that has been removed or deleted from the national register.
Clause 1.27
The requirements specified in clause 1.26 (a) do not apply where a training package requires the delivery of a superseded unit of competency.
The interpretation of the compliance requirements are:
- The learners (best interests) and regulatory requirements should be the main focus when planning the transition from one training product to another.
- Within 12 months all learners’ training and assessment should be completed and the relevant AQF certification documentation issued where a training product on RTO’s scope gets superseded.
- Or learners should be transferred into its replacement within the same time period.
- In certain extraordinary circumstances or at the regulatory body’s decision, the time period of 12 months can be extended.
- This requirement does not apply where the training product is required to be delivered and assessed as part of a training package.
- Where the AQF qualification is removed or deleted from the national register, the training organisations have two years to complete and the relevant AQF certification documentation to be issued.
- Where the skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course or module is removed or deleted from the national register, the training organisations have one year to complete and the relevant AQF certification documentation to be issued.
- A new learner should not commence training and assessment in the training product that has been removed or deleted.
Terms and definitions
You should know the terminology and definitions used in transition management. Some of these terms are:
Release date/date endorsed: The date when a training product is released and/or updated on the training register.
Replaced/Expired/Deleted: Where a training product has been removed from the national register.
Superseded: When a new training product replaces an existing training product the existing training product is referred to as superseded.
Training Product: AQF qualification, skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course and module.
Transition: When a training product is superseded, removed, or deleted from the National Register, the allowable time frame within which the student’s training, assessment, and AQF certification issuance must be completed, or, in the case of a superseded training product, the allowable time frame within which the student is transitioned into the replacement training product.
Teach out: Describes the timeframe in which a learner’s training, assessment, and AQF certification documentation issuance must be completed once a training product has been superseded, removed, or deleted from the National Register and any transition period has elapsed.
Transition management
You must follow the guidelines and general directions published by the regulatory body when managing the transition.
The first criteria you must consider is – Do you need to apply the training product to your scope or not. If the training product has been deemed equivalent and superseded they are usually added to your scope without separate application. Where a training product is deemed not equivalent the training organisation is required to apply to add the training product to their scope.
You must know that the process for accredited courses is different as they are not automatically updated on RTO’s scope.
You will be now required to:
- Download the new training product – Download information from the national register related to the training product.
- Review qualification packaging rules – Understand the changes being made in the new training product, packaging rules for core and elective units and how they can be selected or grouped together.
- Mapping of units of competency – Analyse the changes being made and how the changes will affect your learner cohorts.
- Have gaps assessment completed – You must conduct gap analysis and gap assessments if you are transitioning students from superseded training product to the current one.
- Have a comprehensive planning tool available to plan the transitioning
- Create an action plan – This can be part of the comprehensive planning tool. You should include scope and teach out decisions, training and assessment document changes, trainer and assessor requirements and changes, operational changes, budget allocation, student management changes, learning management changes, communication and management issues
- Do professional development – It is important for all staff members including administration to know the changes and how they may affect the systems, processes and students.
- Update the policies and procedures – The policy framework and RTO documentation should be updated to reflect the changes.
- When transiting students, analyse the student data and make decisions based on what is in the best interest of your students.
- Analyse how you are going to fill gaps in the assessments and learner resources or invest in compliant RTO training and assessment resources from organisations such as CAQA Resources.
- Update the training and assessment strategies against the new qualifications, taking into account the qualification packaging rules, learner cohort, delivery mode, industry needs and requirements and regulatory standards and guidelines.
- Ensure the training organisation has revised and updated trainer and assessor matrixes and validated the currency of trainers and assessors to train and assess the new training products.
- Wherever required, trainers and assessors to provide documentation of how they can fill the gaps in terms of TAE qualification, VET currency/qualifications that trainers are assessing and training, industry currency and professional development in competency-based systems and practices.
- Understand and ensure your organisation has all the equipment, resources and facilities available according to the training package requirements
- Identify the date when transition will be communicated to the students and other stakeholders
- All third-party documentation must be updated to reflect the changes
- Maintain documentation in safe place as the regulatory body can request you to demonstrate compliance
Learning and assessment resources
You must review your existing learning and assessment resources to understand how the content matches the requirements of the new training product. Wherever you identify gaps you are required to fill them with gap assessments, new training and assessment resources if transiting the students to the new course. If you decide that it is in the best interests for enrolled students to complete their studies in the superseded course, and regulatory requirements allow you, you will not be required to make these changes.
You should customise the content to the needs and requirements of your learner cohort and delivery mode and must also pre-validate the training and assessment resources before you implement them in practice.
Hypothetical scenarios
Let’s go through some of the hypothetical scenarios now to understand what should be done or not in certain circumstances.
Scenario 1
An organisation would like to become an RTO and deliver a few training products that have been recently superseded. The organisational representatives have been preparing the application over the last two years and can not wait any longer.
The regulatory body, in our experience, has always asked for the current training products as the organisations can not register as an RTO to deliver superseded, removed or deleted training products.
Scenario 2
A unit of competency has been superseded by a new unit. The RTO has noticed the change but when they check training.gov.au they realise that the unit has not been updated in the qualification they are delivering and have decided not to replace the superseded unit of competency with the new unit.
The regulatory body has in writing suggested that RTOs should follow the qualification package rules and training package guidelines (Clause 1.27) at all times. If a unit of competency is part of a training package then the RTO cannot change it when it gets superseded.
You can read more information regarding the training products with current transition extensions at Training products with current transition extensions | Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).
Some helpful strategies related to transition management
- Register and get updates from the national register. https://training.gov.au/Account/SignIn?returnUrl=/Home/Tga
- Always include transition management as a set meeting agenda item
- Conduct audits at regular intervals to assess how you are performing.
- Update/prepare marketing materials (including website and social media) and pre-enrolment and admission documents to reflect any changes
- Ensure certificates and all other print materials have the current and correct information.
- Ensure the organisation follows credit and RPL processes when transiting students
- Prepare and/or update validation plans and schedules to reflect the changes
- Ensure your trainers and assessors have currency in their TAE qualification, the VET qualifications they are assessing and training, industry currency and professional development in competency-based systems and practices.
If you need help with transition planning and management, do not hesitate to approach us at info@caqa.com.au.
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20 February, 2020
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What happens when one of the electives in a qualification has been superseded?
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1 December, 2020
How to complete a compliant Trainer Matrix – Part 1 of Part 5
We believe that representatives of the training organisations and trainers usually do not understand the importance of the correct and current trainer matrix available for audit. If you do not keep on top of compliance requirements, you may fall behind and you will not realise that your trainers can not actually train or assess the […]
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8 August, 2021
Message from the General Manager (8 August 2021)
Message from the General Manager With this edition of our monthly newsletter THE VET Sector, we will discuss the most recent changes to the Financial Viability and Risk Assessment (FVRA) and its impact on training organisations, the best strategies for remaining financially viable, and other important news and updates related to vocational education and training, […]
3 years ago
8 August, 2021
Some ESOS courses are no longer required to be registered with CRICOS
It is now allowed for registered training providers to offer certain supplementary courses to international students without having those courses listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). The Education Services for Overseas Students (Exempt Courses) Instrument 2021, which exempts some supplementary courses from the ESOS Act, took effect on […]
3 years ago
22 August, 2021
Online learning is much more than access to training and assessment materials online
In spite of the fact that different nations are at different stages of COVID-19 infection rates, there are currently more than billions of learners in 186 countries who are affected by face-to-face classroom closures as a result of the epidemic. This is one of the reasons why we decided to create a few articles to […]
3 years ago
22 August, 2021
RPL Kits-Let’s discuss compliance with clauses 1.8 and 1.12
The legislative requirements The legislation is very clear regarding compliance in RPL kits and why you need to have RPL Kits for every unit of competency you are training and assessing. The legislative instrument includes the following clauses: Assessment 1.8. The RTO implements an assessment system that ensures that assessment (including recognition of prior learning): […]
3 years ago
22 August, 2021
The VET Sector News II-August 2021
National Skills Week 2021: RETHINK your ideas National Skills Week, which is now in its eleventh year, will once again aim to bring to life the positive messages by exposing the talents, skills, career routes, and worth of apprentices and trainees across Australia to the general public and business community. For more information, Click here. […]
3 years ago
22 August, 2021
Message from the General Manager (22 August 2021)
Message from the General Manager If humans are capable of learning from their experiences, one thing that would stand out in this COVID era is that life will never be the same again, no matter how much we want things to return to the way they were. The education industry now requires better communication and […]
3 years ago
25 August, 2021
Getting acquainted yourself with the VET
VET information at your fingertips NCVER’s VET Knowledge Bank is a key source of reference information about Australia’s VET system. Did you know the VET sector is the largest education sector in Australia? Like most countries, Australia’s VET system is complex and ever-changing. Getting to know VET aims to explain the system via a chart of the key components, […]
3 years ago
3 September, 2021
Message from the General Manager (3 September 2021)
Message from the General Manager There are many changes taking place around the world right now, and the VET sector is no exception to this. The changes include VET Qualifications Reforms, a new AQF Framework, new technologies and practices for online course delivery. Some of these changes are covered in this edition of our newsletter. […]
3 years ago
3 September, 2021
Check if you have an authorised copy of the training and assessment resources
Training organisations should double-check that they have an authorised copy of the training and assessment resources from the publisher of the resource before using them for training purposes. In a number of audits, the regulatory body has requested proof of purchase because a number of stakeholders are aware that there are some offenders in the […]
3 years ago
3 September, 2021
Online Media Solutions (OMS) Services
Over the past two decades, Online Media Solutions (OMS) has provided assistance to clients worldwide. OMS merged into the CAQA and Career Calling brands in 2013. Services offered by Online Media Solutions include: website design and development; website security; web hosting; domains marketplace; development of iOS and Android applications; software development; graphics design including logos, […]
3 years ago
3 September, 2021
VET Qualifications Reform Survey – The world of VET is changing again including the units of competency
The world of vocational education and training is changing once more, and this includes the structure of units of competency. The Department of Education, Skills, and Employment is participating in consultations on the new structure, methods, and procedures connected to the vocational education and training sector over a period of 1.5 years as part of […]
3 years ago
19 September, 2021
Message from the General Manager (19 September 2021)
Message from the General Manager Have you looked at ASQA’s new Corporate Plan? The plan shows that the organisation is committed to best practices and proportionate regulation. ASQA will assist providers in better understanding what they do, why they do it, and how they do it. According to ASQA, we may anticipate fair processes, consistency, […]
3 years ago
19 September, 2021
Resource Validation Services: Why outsourcing can be a great option
Following the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Amendment (Governance and Other Matters) Bill 2020, ASQA has made a significant upgrade to the architecture of the vocational education and training (VET) sector and its approach. The rapid change roadmap includes strengthening ASQA’s strategic stakeholder engagement and education to build provider capacity for self-assurance. In line […]
3 years ago
21 September, 2021
Morrison Government marks National Skills Week 2021 with highest funding for skills and training in Australian history
The Morrison Government has marked National Skills Week 2021 by reminding Australians of the incredible opportunities of a skilled career as hundreds of thousands make use of the skills and training pathways guaranteed through record levels of federal funding. Given the massive demand for skilled workers it is also a great reminder that it is […]
3 years ago
22 September, 2021
Our webinar related to Skills First – By CAQA Experts
Sukh Sandhu – Hello and welcome everyone. Please accept our thoughts and prayers for all those who are affected by the lockdown across Australia before we commence today’s presentation. The last several months have been extremely demanding and exhausting, but we are hoping that we will be able to come out of this situation eventually. […]
3 years ago
4 October, 2021
New job opportunities!
JOIN THE RECRUITMENT REVOLUTION Operations Manager (Mullumbimby, NSW) Sales Representative (Surry Hills, NSW) Compliance Manager (Wollongong, NSW) RTO Senior Office Administrator (Morayfield, QLD) Barber Trainers (Chermside, Brisbane West, Ipswich, Toowoomba) CHC Trainers (Melbourne, VIC) BSB Trainers (Melbourne, VIC) FNS Trainers (Melbourne, VIC) ICT Trainers (Melbourne, VIC) View all jobs Looking for a new opportunity? Whether […]
3 years ago
4 October, 2021
Australia’s five most powerful education leaders in 2021
AFR Magazine’s annual Power issue, out on Friday, October 1, includes lists of the key players across six industry sectors. Here the people topping teaching in a profound year for the sector. Remote learning has been gathering momentum for decades, but it was the initial shock of the pandemic that made it mainstream. Although the […]
3 years ago
4 October, 2021
Message from the CEO (4 October 2021)
Message from the CEO Our professional development event related to Skills First Funding was a huge success, with hundreds of people in attendance. We have made the video available online on our websites so that you can check out the material. We are a team of quality and compliance experts who have been in the […]
3 years ago
4 October, 2021
Validation Demystified – Part I
Validation is arguably the central pillar of the VET practice and has a valued place in the education system. It is one of the few compliance requirements that influence and is accountable for more than a dozen standards within the Standards for RTO 2015. As such, validation is the much-studied, crammed and piloted concept of […]
3 years ago
14 October, 2021
Interview with Anurag Kanwar – BEc, LLB, LLM, GDLP, AAPRI, FIML, MAICD.
Anurag has over 15 years of experience in higher education all within the private higher education space. She is the executive secretary of the GCA Board of Directors. She is a prolific commentator on LinkedIn with over 6000 followers commenting on international education, technology and continuous experience. She is a practising lawyer specialising in the […]
3 years ago
14 October, 2021
Interview – Matthew Dale – Director, Audit Express and Educonomy
With more than a decade experience working across the VET Sector, Matthew brings a wealth of skills, knowledge and experience to Audit Express & Educonomy. Matthew has had extensive experience in managing the quality & compliance of various state funding contracts and in leading RTOs through the complex process of re-registration. Matthew’s passion is with […]
3 years ago
14 October, 2021
Interview – Andrew Shea – CEO, Builders Academy Australia
Andrew is an educational and business professional and known intrapreneur who specialises in leading high performing teams, optimising business processes and quality assurance and compliance frameworks. He is a proven transformational leader and has successfully fulfilled managerial and leadership positions across a range of industries. Areas of specialisation include: ♦ C-Suite executive across ASX and […]
3 years ago
14 October, 2021
CAQA Online forums, CAQA Info for maintaining your compliance and regulatory knowledge
CAQA Online forums provide information for RTO professionals. The purpose of the forums is to support compliance and regulatory knowledge with the help of other professionals in the field. Some of the benefits of subscribing to our online forums are that it provides access to knowledge sharing and networking opportunities among peers in the vocational […]
3 years ago
14 October, 2021
Strategies to maintain VET and Industry currency as a trainer and assessor
The VET industry is changing rapidly, therefore, trainers and assessors need to continuously update their skills, knowledge and competencies to work effectively in the training and education industry. Industry currency refers to trainers and assessors who keep current knowledge, skills, and experience of current workplace industrial practises in the industry sector in which they teach. […]
3 years ago
14 October, 2021
ASQA publishes scoping study on VET in schools
The scoping study on vocational education and training delivered to secondary school students was issued by the national regulating agency in order to protect the quality of VET delivery. It is ASQA’s role as national regulator for VET to work in partnership with training providers to guarantee compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations […]
3 years ago
14 October, 2021
Why should you read and share THE VET SECTOR newsletter?
The purpose of this newsletter is to maintain an ongoing dialogue with the industry representatives, giving them a voice and platform to raise their concerns and practices. The importance of this newsletter is not only because it has a lot of subscribers but also because without the right information, one cannot be an active participant […]
3 years ago
14 October, 2021
Online learning – Understanding the learner experience continuum
Online learning has become one of the most used forms of learning in the VET sector. It is a flexible and convenient way for people to learn new skills, knowledge, and information. Learning online is a process that many organisations are starting to take more seriously. They are trying to figure out how to best […]
3 years ago
14 October, 2021
Message from the CEO
Message from the CEO We need to make sure we eliminate any issues that lead to decreased student engagement and an increase in drop-out rates. We need to think about and execute support for students who want to complete a VET qualification and follow their interests or passion. Coming out of lockdown, we will need […]
3 years ago
1 November, 2021
Interview with Peter Doukas – Managing Director, Denison Toyer Education Lawyers
Peter owns and operates Sydney based education law firm Denison Toyer. Working in the field of Education Law and Corporate Governance since 2007 Peter has acted for over one hundred Registered Training Organisations and Higher Education Providers in various stages of the education management cycle. He routinely acts for colleges in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal […]
3 years ago
1 November, 2021
Interview with David Jepsen, Founder and Principal of RTO Accountants
With over 25 years’ experience as a practicing CA, David is the Founder and Principal of RTO Accountants. David started his career at KPMG, moving onto mid tier accounting firms and commercial roles with Citigroup, Zurich, CBA and others in Sydney and London before setting up an accounting practice in 2001. Offering commercial and practical […]
3 years ago
1 November, 2021
Landmark VET reforms to drive our skills-led economic future
A fundamental overhaul of Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) system has been agreed to by the Morrison Government and states and territories. The reforms are an important achievement and will improve the performance, efficiency, transparency and confidence in the VET sector, ensuring Australians can access high quality and relevant training and employers can access […]
3 years ago
1 November, 2021
The Top 10 VET Sector websites and resources – you must know!
There are numerous resources available on the internet that you can use to make your life easier. Google, Wikipedia, YouTube, and Amazon are just a few of the websites that receive a lot of traffic. These websites make it simple to browse the internet and offer all of the information you require right at your […]
3 years ago
1 November, 2021
Advertise with us @ The VET Sector
The VET Sector is a digital magazine and newsletter that has been developed to promote and provide information about opportunities in the VET sector and increase awareness of changes affecting the industry. We hope that through our newsletter and e-magazine, we can provide the information that the vocational education and training sector needs and long […]
3 years ago
1 November, 2021
Message from the CEO (1 Nov 2021)
Message from the CEO Welcome to the next edition of The VET Sector newsletter. This edition is jam-packed with useful information, informative articles, practical to-do suggestions, our professional experiences, and much more As always, we are inviting you to email us your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions for topics to be included in our next newsletters […]
3 years ago
14 December, 2021
Professional development session by Edu Learning and CAQA Skills – Transcript – Trainers and Assessors requirements
Sukh Sandhu: – Hello, everyone. Welcome to another professional development session brought to you by Compliance and Quality Assurance, CAQA, Edu Learning, CAQA Skills, The VET Sector and Career Calling International. We would like to pay our respects to traditional owners of the land and to their elders, past and present. Let me remind you […]
3 years ago
14 December, 2021
Interview with John Molenaar, Quality and Compliance Auditor
John Molenaar is an education professional who started his career in teaching with positions as a primary and secondary teacher. In the late 1980s/early 1990s, he held roles in education organisation management as Executive Director of the Gould League of Victoria and the John Gardiner Centre. In the mid 1990’s John started his career in […]
3 years ago
14 December, 2021
Message from General Manager (14 Dec 2021)
Message from General Manager All of life’s pleasures are just temporary, so make use of them while you can. The best memories will endure a lifetime, and if you do not experience the joy in the moments, just regrets will be left behind. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and that you will […]
3 years ago
31 January, 2022
Edu Learning – Your door to professional development opportunities
We would love to have you join our professional development retainer agreement services or individual professional development opportunities through Edu Learning. Our organisation works with the aim to help you grow your skills in a fun and interactive way. The benefits of joining our organisation are numerous, from getting tips from VET experts and industry […]
3 years ago
31 January, 2022
Acute skills shortages in VET
Coming out of lockdown and re-opening RTOs have revealed one big problem. The VET sector has huge skills shortages, and there are nearly hundreds of vacant VET positions advertised in SEEK this week across Australia. There are many factors that have contributed to this shortage, and it did not happen overnight. A big contributor has […]
3 years ago
31 January, 2022
The top problems that the Australian VET sector is facing
The VET sector in Australia is growing in scale and sophistication every year. The Australian VET sector is facing several problems that are likely to have a significant impact on its future. These include things like an aging workforce, the rising cost of education and a decline in students enrolling in VET qualifications. The most […]
3 years ago
31 January, 2022
Message from the CEO (31 Jan 2022)
Message from the CEO (31 Jan 2022) Welcome to our January edition of the VET sector magazine. In this edition, there are articles discussing the latest news from the Department of Home Affairs on changes being made, and an article explaining how online courses can help develop a skilled workforce and much more. We thank […]
3 years ago
20 February, 2022
Car-makers welcome electric vehicle technology certification offered through vocational training institutions in Australia.
An initiative to raise the level of certification in electric vehicle technology offered by vocational training institutions in Australia has been hailed by a number of automotive manufacturers. Despite the fact that all of the companies have extensive internal training programs of their own, they recognise the importance of equipping technicians to service, diagnose, and […]
3 years ago
20 February, 2022
Even if the border is fully reopened, the country will continue to experience a national skills shortage – how VET sector is the solution?
A large number of Australians are now in trades, the fastest rate since the start of the pandemic. A record number of students are also attending universities, but experts believe more must be done to boost skills training possibilities that are focused on the future of employment. The number of young Australians enrolled in university […]
3 years ago
20 February, 2022
CAQA Online forums, CAQA Info for maintaining your compliance and regulatory knowledge
CAQA Online forums provide information for RTO professionals. The purpose of the forums is to support compliance and regulatory knowledge with the help of other professionals in the field. Some of the benefits of subscribing to our online forums are that it provides access to knowledge sharing and networking opportunities among peers in the vocational […]
3 years ago
20 February, 2022
Reasonable adjustments in the learning environment
What is a reasonable adjustment? In vocational education and training (VET), the term reasonable adjustment refers to adjusting the learning environment or making adjustments to the training or assessments offered. This is to provide a student with additional needs and/or requirements the same learning opportunities as a student with no barriers to learning. Simple changes […]
3 years ago
20 February, 2022
Message from the CEO (20 Feb 2022)
Message from the CEO To know that the regulating body is revising its past practises in order to put more emphasis on positive things in the future such as working in collaboration with industry is a wonderful feeling. We’ve included some articles on topics such as the metaverse, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence in this […]
3 years ago
24 March, 2022
Requirements to enrol learners in your courses
There are specific prerequisites that must be met prior to student enrolment or the beginning of training and assessment, whichever occurs first. In addition, the RTO should advise the prospective learner on the training product that will best meet his or her needs while taking into consideration the individual’s existing skills and competencies. So what […]
3 years ago
24 March, 2022
Transition planning and requirements
The training packages are updated on a regular basis to ensure that they continue to meet industry and regulatory requirements. Training organisations are expected to perform a significant amount of maintenance work when there is a transition to a new package. The failure to manage transition planning can have negative consequences for your training organisation, […]
3 years ago
24 March, 2022
How to ensure your training organisation is compliant with government regulations
If you’re running a vocational education and training organisation in Australia, you need to ensure that your organisation is compliant with government regulations. This article will outline some of the regulations that you need to be aware of, and provide tips on how to ensure compliance. The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) The Australian Skills […]
3 years ago
24 March, 2022
Message from the CEO (23 March 2022)
Message from the CEO We welcome you to our March edition of the VET sector magazine. In this edition, there are articles discussing the NCVER submission, CEO declaration of Compliance, transition planning and much more. We thank you for taking the time to read this publication and we hope it provides you with useful information. […]
3 years ago
25 April, 2022
The Australian VET system is eroding, fragmenting, and dysfunctional.
New research is showing that Australia’s VET system displays indicators of erosion, fragmentation, and dysfunction. According to the findings of the study, conducted by the Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work, profound and long-standing flaws with Australia’s vocational education and training system have not been remedied – and in some cases, have deteriorated. A senior […]
3 years ago
25 April, 2022
CAQA Analysis on NCVER’s Research Report – The four features of high-quality VET delivery.
It is widely accepted that high-quality vocational education and training (VET) is essential for achieving positive outcomes for both individuals and industry. However, there is still much debate about what factors make up a high-quality VET offering. In this article, we explore some of the key factors that registered training organisations (RTOs) should consider when […]
3 years ago
25 April, 2022
Message from the CEO (25 April 2022)
Message from the CEO We welcome you to our April edition of the VET sector magazine. We are pleased to announce that we will be releasing a new version of our flagship product, CAQA Labs in May. This product will be made available as a standalone software solution and also as part of our Information […]
3 years ago
22 May, 2022
Some lessons learned from working in the vocational education and training industry
The vocational education and training (VET) sector has a lot to offer students, employees and employers alike. It can provide pathways into careers, as well as upgrade existing skills and knowledge. There is a growing demand for VET courses, both in Australia and overseas. This means that there are plenty of opportunities for people who […]
3 years ago
22 May, 2022
Why not being prepared in the vocational education and training industry is dangerous
If a training organisation is not prepared to either research, prepare, deliver, or evaluate the training program, it could be putting both itself and its students at risk. For example, imagine you’re a trainer who’s been asked to deliver a new program on short notice. If you’re not prepared, you may not be able to […]
3 years ago
22 May, 2022
The key stakeholders involved in the Australian vocational education and training sector
The education and training sector is vital to the success of any economy. It is responsible for providing the skills and knowledge necessary for people to participate in the workforce. The sector is also important for ensuring that individuals have the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities throughout their careers. There are many different […]
3 years ago
22 May, 2022
The importance of having word limits in the summative assessment resources
One of the most important aspects of VET is summative assessment. Summative assessment resources play a vital role in ensuring that students are able to demonstrate their learning and progress. However, summative assessment resources can also be a source of frustration for both students and educators if they are not well managed and written. It […]
3 years ago
22 May, 2022
How to become a trainer and assessor in Australia.
There is currently a high demand for qualified trainers and assessors in Australia, so if you have the relevant skills and qualifications, you should be able to find work in this field. Becoming a trainer and assessor can be a rewarding career choice, allowing you to share your knowledge and expertise with others. It can […]
3 years ago
22 May, 2022
Message from the CEO (22 May 2022)
Message from the CEO As we usually say, change is the one thing that is consistent in the VET sector, and this month is no exception. The national regulatory body is going through a number of fundamental changes, and this is fantastic news for the Australian VET sector. When compared to a few years ago, […]
3 years ago
12 June, 2022
How To Stay Compliant Without Spending A Fortune On Consultants
The vocational education and training (VET) industry is highly regulated, with a complex web of federal and state laws and regulations. Staying compliant can be a full-time job in itself – and an expensive one, if you rely on consultants to help you navigate the compliance minefield. But it doesn’t have to be that way. […]
3 years ago
12 June, 2022
Organisations that offer information, advice, and support for VET students and providers in Australia
There are a number of vocational education and training (VET) resources available in Australia. Here are some of the best ones: The Australian Government’s MySkills website is a great starting point for anyone looking for information on VET courses and providers. The website provides a searchable database of over 22,000 VET courses and programs, as […]
3 years ago
12 June, 2022
Engaging and retaining students in the vocational education and training sector
The vocational education and training (VET) sector has undergone significant changes in recent years. There has been a move away from traditional classroom-based teaching to more experiential, hands-on learning. This shift has brought with it a number of challenges but also some important lessons that can be applied more broadly. One of the biggest challenges […]
3 years ago
12 June, 2022
Message from the CEO (12 June 2022)
Message from the CEO Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read this edition of our newsletter! In this issue, we will talk about how the processes at ASQA have slowed down significantly, as well as a number of articles that are relevant to compliance and regulations, and we will also talk about […]
3 years ago
17 July, 2022
An ASQA initiative called Pathways and Perspectives has been launched
The excellent initiatives that ASQA is taking to deliver information to the VET and RTO sectors are worthy of appreciation. They have recently begun a project called Pathways and Perspective, which is an effective technique of informing and communicating with the VET industry. The community is provided with facts, insights, and noteworthy stories on the […]
2 years ago
17 July, 2022
Training and assessment in vocational education and training by unqualified trainers and assessors
It has been a huge concern in vocational education and training (VET) in Australia that training products are being delivered by unqualified trainers and assessors. This means that the quality of VET delivery can vary significantly from one provider to another and that there is potential for poor outcomes for students. There are a number […]
2 years ago
17 July, 2022
Summary of Contextualising teaching and learning – A guide for VET teachers
In this article, our team has prepared a summary of Contextualising teaching and learning – A guide for VET teachers. In this handbook, you will find practical, ready-to-use ways to contextualize learning in a variety of “classrooms,” from an educational institution to a factory floor and online. Its primary focus is on teaching rather than […]
2 years ago
17 July, 2022
Contextualisation and customisation in the vocational education and training industry
Customisation and contextualisation are two important approaches to vocational education and training (VET). Both involve tailoring VET programs to the specific needs of individual learners or groups of learners. However, there are some important differences between the two approaches. Contextualisation refers to the process of adapting VET programs to the specific context in which they […]
2 years ago
17 July, 2022
Benefits of upskilling and reskilling
There is a lot of discussion about the role of vocational education and training (VET) in providing the skills that people need for the future. VET has an important role to play in providing the skills that people need for the future, but it is not the only source of these skills. There are many […]
2 years ago
17 July, 2022
10 Principles – What it takes to run a compliant vocational education and training (VET) organisation
There are a number of key principles that must be adhered to if you wish to operate a compliant training organisation. In accordance with these principles, your organisation must deliver quality training in a safe and professional manner that meets the needs of your students. The first and foremost requirement is that your organisation be […]
2 years ago
17 July, 2022
Message from the CEO (17 July 2022)
Message from the CEO A training sector magazine and newsletter, The VET Sector, features articles, resources, and information for all stakeholders of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). We cover relevant and important topics to RTOs, such as compliance, resources, and best practices. RTOs will find valuable information here that will help them improve their operations and […]
2 years ago
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Sukh Sandhu
Chief Executive Officer
Sukh has been working in the VET and Higher Education Industry for over 20 years. In this time, he has held several roles with RTO’s including CEO roles for International Colleges and National Compliance and Quality Assurance Manager roles for several RTO’s, TAFE’s and Universities. Sukh has also worked for ASQA as a Business Systems Project Official.
Sukh has had extensive project management experience in risk management, compliance, administration and as a training consultant. He has extensive knowledge in government compliance standards and has participated in nearly one hundred audits across Australia and provided consultancy advice regarding ASQA/VRQA, TEQSA, ACPET, DET-HESG, VQF/Higher Education, ELICOS, NEAS, ANMAC, AHPRA, CRICOS, ESOS and ISO.
Sukh is a member of several independent professional organisations and government bodies including, ACPET, VELG, ACS, AITD, MARA, MIA, ISANA, APEX, IEEE, The Internet Society (Global Member), AISIP, IAMOT, ACM, OISV, APACALL, IWA, Eta Kappa Nu, EDSIG and several others.