
At Career Calling Education, we take compliance seriously. As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), we are committed to meeting and exceeding the standards set by the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Quality Framework. This dedication to compliance ensures that our students receive high-quality education and nationally recognised qualifications.


VET Quality Framework

The VET Quality Framework is a set of standards and conditions that all RTOs must adhere to in order to maintain their registration. The framework consists of the following components:

  1. Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 These standards outline the requirements that RTOs must meet in areas such as training and assessment, student support, governance, and financial management. Career Calling Education fully complies with these standards, ensuring that our operations are transparent, accountable, and focused on delivering quality student outcomes.
  2. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) The AQF is the national policy for regulated qualifications in the Australian education and training system. It defines the standards for educational qualifications across all sectors, including VET. Career Calling Education’s courses are designed and delivered in accordance with the AQF, guaranteeing that our qualifications are consistent with national standards and recognised by employers and other educational institutions.
  3. Fit and Proper Person Requirements RTOs must ensure that key personnel, such as managers and directors, meet the Fit and Proper Person Requirements. These requirements assess the suitability of individuals to hold positions of responsibility within an RTO. Career Calling Education’s management team comprises experienced and qualified professionals who meet these requirements, providing strong leadership and governance for our organisation.
  4. Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements RTOs must demonstrate financial viability and sustainability to maintain their registration. Career Calling Education undergoes regular financial assessments to ensure we have the resources and capacity to deliver high-quality training and support our students throughout their educational journey.
  5. Data Provision Requirements RTOs are required to provide accurate and timely data to ASQA and other relevant authorities. This data includes information on student enrolments, completions, and satisfaction levels. Career Calling Education has robust systems in place to collect, manage, and report data in accordance with these requirements, contributing to the transparency and accountability of the VET sector.


Continuous Improvement

At Career Calling Education, we are committed to continuous improvement. We regularly review our policies, procedures, and practices to identify areas for enhancement and ensure ongoing compliance with the VET Quality Framework. We actively seek feedback from our students, trainers, and industry partners to inform our continuous improvement efforts and maintain the highest standards of quality and compliance.


Transparency and Accountability

We believe in transparency and accountability in all aspects of our operations. We provide clear and accurate information to our students, staff, and stakeholders about our compliance obligations and performance. We welcome feedback and are committed to addressing any concerns or complaints promptly and fairly, in accordance with our complaint-handling procedures.

By prioritising compliance and adhering to the VET Quality Framework, Career Calling Education demonstrates our commitment to delivering exceptional education and training that meets our students’ needs and the wider community’s expectations. When you choose to study with us, you can trust that you receive a quality education from a reputable and compliant RTO.