Part 1- How compliance and quality assurance are two separate but intertwined concepts
24 June, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Part 1- How compliance and quality assurance are two separate but intertwined concepts

When you plan to run a registered training organisation (RTO), you may find it difficult to know: the complete regulatory framework and environment your legal obligations and everything else required to run a successful, compliant Registered Training Organisation. Take compliance and quality assurance, for example, you may have heard about them, but do you know […]

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Obligations of Registered Training Organizations in Terms of Reporting
16 June, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Obligations of Registered Training Organizations in Terms of Reporting

Under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015, all RTOs are obliged to provide accurate and complete data. All ASQA-registered training organisations RTO must meet mandatory annual data submission requirements, including: Submitting the annual declaration on compliance to ASQA Submitting total VET activity (TVA) data, including the reporting of unique student identifier (USI) data. There […]

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Part 2- Contextualising of assessment resources
9 June, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Part 2- Contextualising of assessment resources

Contextualisation of training packages, accredited curricula and learning resources can be achieved without compromising the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. Contextualisation is the addition of industry-specific information to tailor the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 to reflect the immediate operating context and thereby increase its relevance for the learner. Contextualisation is […]

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Part 1- Contextualising of assessment resources 
3 June, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Part 1- Contextualising of assessment resources 

Contextualisation of training packages, accredited curricula and learning resources can be achieved without compromising the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. Contextualisation is the addition of industry-specific information to tailor the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 to reflect the immediate operating context and thereby increase its relevance for the learner. Contextualisation is […]

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