Message from the CEO (22 May 2022)
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Message from the CEO (22 May 2022)

Message from the CEO As we usually say, change is the one thing that is consistent in the VET sector, and this month is no exception. The national regulatory body is going through a number of fundamental changes, and this is fantastic news for the Australian VET sector. When compared to a few years ago, […]

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How to become a Registered Training Organisation in Australia.
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

How to become a Registered Training Organisation in Australia.

There are a number of requirements that need to be met in order to become a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in Australia. These include: having a business name and ABN being a legal entity in Australia having appropriate insurance cover having a physical presence in Australia having suitably qualified staff having robust policies and procedures […]

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How to become a trainer and assessor in Australia.
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

How to become a trainer and assessor in Australia.

There is currently a high demand for qualified trainers and assessors in Australia, so if you have the relevant skills and qualifications, you should be able to find work in this field. Becoming a trainer and assessor can be a rewarding career choice, allowing you to share your knowledge and expertise with others. It can […]

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Top 10 common AVETMISS issues and how to resolve them
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Top 10 common AVETMISS issues and how to resolve them

All RTOs must collect a range of data from their students and report all their delivery activity (known as Total VET activity) to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), at least annually. This data is used to improve education and training outcomes for students, industry, and the community. Below are some of the […]

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Quality Management Systems for Registered Training Organisations
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Quality Management Systems for Registered Training Organisations

Registered training organisations (RTOs) operate in a highly regulated environment. To be registered, RTOs must comply with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. These Standards require RTOs to develop and implement a quality management system (QMS). A quality management system (QMS) is a formalised system that documents processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving […]

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Developing Interpersonal Skills as a Trainer/Assessor is Critical in the Training and Education Industry.
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Developing Interpersonal Skills as a Trainer/Assessor is Critical in the Training and Education Industry.

The training and education industry is a vital part of our society. It helps to prepare people for work and to continue learning throughout their lives. Interpersonal skills are essential for any individual working in the training and education industry. They allow you to build positive relationships with both your students and your colleagues, which […]

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What ongoing professional development is, and why it is important to your professional career
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

What ongoing professional development is, and why it is important to your professional career

One of the most important things you can do for your professional career is to continue learning and growing. There are many different types of professional development (PD) opportunities available to you as a professional. What is PD, and why is it important? Professional development is a term used to describe any type of learning […]

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How does technology in education based on the fourth industrial revolution differ from earlier approaches?
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

How does technology in education based on the fourth industrial revolution differ from earlier approaches?

Was it ever brought to your attention that many of the working sectors or job titles upon which today’s children will construct a career in the future do not yet exist or have not yet been invented? Industry 4.0 has brought about many changes in the field of education. Cyber-physical systems, big data, and artificial […]

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CAQA Labs – Virtual lab environment our experts are working on!
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

CAQA Labs – Virtual lab environment our experts are working on!

The benefits of a virtual lab for information technology and information system related subjects are many. A virtual lab provides a simulated environment that is very close to the actual environment where the students will be working after they graduate. In other words, a virtual lab allows students to experience what it is like to […]

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Verification of trainer credentials
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Verification of trainer credentials

As an RTO business owner or manager, you understand the importance of having qualified and experienced staff. This is especially true when it comes to trainers, who play a vital role in ensuring your students are properly educated and trained. However, verifying the credentials and experience of trainers can be a time-consuming and difficult process. […]

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The importance of having word limits in the summative assessment resources
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

The importance of having word limits in the summative assessment resources

One of the most important aspects of VET is summative assessment. Summative assessment resources play a vital role in ensuring that students are able to demonstrate their learning and progress. However, summative assessment resources can also be a source of frustration for both students and educators if they are not well managed and written. It […]

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Scholarships for international students to study in Western Australia.
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Scholarships for international students to study in Western Australia.

It’s possible that in the near future, international students may be able to study in Australia without having to pay full or partial tuition fees. According to a report from the Times of India, the state government of Western Australia (WA) is planning to invest 41.2 million Australian dollars in an effort to strengthen the […]

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A draft model for self-assurance for training organisations
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

A draft model for self-assurance for training organisations

ASQA has developed a draft model for self-assurance for training organisations. The purpose of this model is to provide a framework within which training organisations can develop and operate their own quality assurance systems. The model sets out the key elements of an effective quality assurance system and includes guidance on how these elements can […]

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Why should you invest time doing an assessment of your training organisation?
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Why should you invest time doing an assessment of your training organisation?

Investing time in assessing your training organisation can be extremely beneficial. It can help you to identify areas that need improvement, as well as any potential areas of growth. Additionally, conducting an assessment can help to ensure that your organisation is providing the best possible training experience for its students. Ultimately, this can lead to […]

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Why the excessive bureaucracy of the government is bad for education and training industry.
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Why the excessive bureaucracy of the government is bad for education and training industry.

If you are in the business of education and training, then you know that bureaucracy can be a real pain. It seems like every time you turn around, there is another government regulation or requirement that you have to deal with. And each one of these regulations comes with its own set of paperwork and […]

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Compliance is not one person’s responsibility in a training organisation
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Compliance is not one person’s responsibility in a training organisation

In a training organisation, compliance is not just one person’s job. Compliance is the responsibility of everyone in the organisation, from the CEO down to the entry-level staff member. Sure, there may be someone whose job it is to oversee compliance related matters, but that doesn’t mean that they are the only one responsible for […]

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The key stakeholders involved in the Australian vocational education and training sector
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

The key stakeholders involved in the Australian vocational education and training sector

The education and training sector is vital to the success of any economy. It is responsible for providing the skills and knowledge necessary for people to participate in the workforce. The sector is also important for ensuring that individuals have the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities throughout their careers. There are many different […]

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Why not being prepared in the vocational education and training industry is dangerous
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Why not being prepared in the vocational education and training industry is dangerous

If a training organisation is not prepared to either research, prepare, deliver, or evaluate the training program, it could be putting both itself and its students at risk. For example, imagine you’re a trainer who’s been asked to deliver a new program on short notice. If you’re not prepared, you may not be able to […]

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Some lessons learned from working in the vocational education and training industry
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Some lessons learned from working in the vocational education and training industry

The vocational education and training (VET) sector has a lot to offer students, employees and employers alike. It can provide pathways into careers, as well as upgrade existing skills and knowledge. There is a growing demand for VET courses, both in Australia and overseas. This means that there are plenty of opportunities for people who […]

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Why should you trust CAQA Resources as your RTO training resource provider
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Why should you trust CAQA Resources as your RTO training resource provider

As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), you need to ensure that the training resources you use are of the highest quality. CAQA Resources is an Australian provider of quality-assured training materials, so you can be confident that our products will meet your needs. We offer a wide range of online and offline training materials, including […]

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