Online Media Solutions (OMS) Services
3 September, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Online Media Solutions (OMS) Services

Over the past two decades, Online Media Solutions (OMS) has provided assistance to clients worldwide. OMS merged into the CAQA and Career Calling brands in 2013. Services offered by Online Media Solutions include: website design and development; website security; web hosting; domains marketplace; development of iOS and Android applications; software development; graphics design including logos, […]

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Check if you have an authorised copy of the training and assessment resources
3 September, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Check if you have an authorised copy of the training and assessment resources

Training organisations should double-check that they have an authorised copy of the training and assessment resources from the publisher of the resource before using them for training purposes. In a number of audits, the regulatory body has requested proof of purchase because a number of stakeholders are aware that there are some offenders in the […]

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Message from the General Manager (3 September 2021)
3 September, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Message from the General Manager (3 September 2021)

Message from the General Manager There are many changes taking place around the world right now, and the VET sector is no exception to this. The changes include VET Qualifications Reforms, a new AQF Framework, new technologies and practices for online course delivery. Some of these changes are covered in this edition of our newsletter. […]

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Getting acquainted yourself with the VET
25 August, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Getting acquainted yourself with the VET

VET information at your fingertips NCVER’s VET Knowledge Bank is a key source of reference information about Australia’s VET system. Did you know the VET sector is the largest education sector in Australia? Like most countries, Australia’s VET system is complex and ever-changing. Getting to know VET aims to explain the system via a chart of the key components, […]

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Message from the General Manager (22 August 2021)
22 August, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Message from the General Manager (22 August 2021)

Message from the General Manager If humans are capable of learning from their experiences, one thing that would stand out in this COVID era is that life will never be the same again, no matter how much we want things to return to the way they were. The education industry now requires better communication and […]

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The VET Sector News II-August 2021
22 August, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

The VET Sector News II-August 2021

National Skills Week 2021: RETHINK your ideas National Skills Week, which is now in its eleventh year, will once again aim to bring to life the positive messages by exposing the talents, skills, career routes, and worth of apprentices and trainees across Australia to the general public and business community. For more information, Click here. […]

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RPL Kits-Let’s discuss compliance with clauses 1.8 and 1.12
22 August, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

RPL Kits-Let’s discuss compliance with clauses 1.8 and 1.12

The legislative requirements The legislation is very clear regarding compliance in RPL kits and why you need to have RPL Kits for every unit of competency you are training and assessing. The legislative instrument includes the following clauses: Assessment 1.8. The RTO implements an assessment system that ensures that assessment (including recognition of prior learning): […]

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Online learning is much more than access to training and assessment materials online
22 August, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Online learning is much more than access to training and assessment materials online

In spite of the fact that different nations are at different stages of COVID-19 infection rates, there are currently more than billions of learners in 186 countries who are affected by face-to-face classroom closures as a result of the epidemic. This is one of the reasons why we decided to create a few articles to […]

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Some ESOS courses are no longer required to be registered with CRICOS
8 August, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Some ESOS courses are no longer required to be registered with CRICOS

It is now allowed for registered training providers to offer certain supplementary courses to international students without having those courses listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). The Education Services for Overseas Students (Exempt Courses) Instrument 2021, which exempts some supplementary courses from the ESOS Act, took effect on […]

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Message from the General Manager (8 August 2021)
8 August, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Message from the General Manager (8 August 2021)

Message from the General Manager With this edition of our monthly newsletter THE VET Sector, we will discuss the most recent changes to the Financial Viability and Risk Assessment (FVRA) and its impact on training organisations, the best strategies for remaining financially viable, and other important news and updates related to vocational education and training, […]

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Part 3- How compliance and quality assurance are two separate but intertwined concepts
21 July, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Part 3- How compliance and quality assurance are two separate but intertwined concepts

In this third and final part of our “compliance and quality assurance,” articles, we are continuing to discuss compliance and quality assurance requirements, standards, expectations and the differences between them. How does quality assurance differ from compliance? It can be overwhelming trying to keep track of all your organisation’s compliance obligations. That’s why many businesses […]

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Part 2- How compliance and quality assurance are two separate but intertwined concepts
7 July, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Part 2- How compliance and quality assurance are two separate but intertwined concepts

When we look at the current Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015, the clauses relevant to Registered Training Organisations’ regulatory compliance, the reporting and governance practice, they all clearly underpin good management practices and effective compliance control procedures—and, as a result, the effective functioning and sustainability of RTOs. These Standards support RTOs to provide high-quality […]

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Part 1- How compliance and quality assurance are two separate but intertwined concepts
24 June, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Part 1- How compliance and quality assurance are two separate but intertwined concepts

When you plan to run a registered training organisation (RTO), you may find it difficult to know: the complete regulatory framework and environment your legal obligations and everything else required to run a successful, compliant Registered Training Organisation. Take compliance and quality assurance, for example, you may have heard about them, but do you know […]

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Obligations of Registered Training Organizations in Terms of Reporting
16 June, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Obligations of Registered Training Organizations in Terms of Reporting

Under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015, all RTOs are obliged to provide accurate and complete data. All ASQA-registered training organisations RTO must meet mandatory annual data submission requirements, including: Submitting the annual declaration on compliance to ASQA Submitting total VET activity (TVA) data, including the reporting of unique student identifier (USI) data. There […]

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Part 1- Contextualising of assessment resources 
3 June, 2021

Sukh Sandhu

Part 1- Contextualising of assessment resources 

Contextualisation of training packages, accredited curricula and learning resources can be achieved without compromising the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. Contextualisation is the addition of industry-specific information to tailor the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 to reflect the immediate operating context and thereby increase its relevance for the learner. Contextualisation is […]

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Writing your Training and Assessment Strategy – Part 1 of Part 5
1 December, 2020

Sukh Sandhu

Writing your Training and Assessment Strategy – Part 1 of Part 5

A Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) is the approach of, and method adopted by, an RTO with respect to training and assessment designed to enable learners to meet the requirements of the training package or accredited course (Glossary, Standards for RTOs 2015). The Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) is a high-level view of a program […]

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How to complete a compliant Trainer Matrix – Part 1 of Part 5
1 December, 2020

Sukh Sandhu

How to complete a compliant Trainer Matrix – Part 1 of Part 5

We believe that representatives of the training organisations and trainers usually do not understand the importance of the correct and current trainer matrix available for audit. If you do not keep on top of compliance requirements, you may fall behind and you will not realise that your trainers can not actually train or assess the […]

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What happens when one of the electives in a qualification has been superseded?
30 November, 2020

Sukh Sandhu

What happens when one of the electives in a qualification has been superseded?

There is great confusion in the VET sector, especially now with all the changes that have been made to the BSB, ICT and HLTAID qualifications. We are constantly answering this question: If an elective has been superseded in a qualification, but the old unit is still listed as the elective, which one am I supposed […]

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Annual declaration on compliance
11 May, 2020

Sukh Sandhu

Annual declaration on compliance

Are you confident that your RTO meets current compliance requirements with RTO standards? Or do you need help? All Australian Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are required to submit an annual declaration on compliance with the RTO standards applicable to their organisation on or before 31st March 2018. The CEO Declaration The declaration is a legal […]

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We hear loud & clear message from business-VET sector is not meeting your workforce needs-PM Scott
9 May, 2020

Sukh Sandhu

We hear loud & clear message from business-VET sector is not meeting your workforce needs-PM Scott

Strong comments regarding the Australian VET system were made by Prime Minister Scott Morrison in his speech to the Business Council of Australia (BCA). “We hear loud and clear the message from the business – that our Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector is not meeting your workforce needs. I’m not going to throw more […]

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