Are you looking for a VET professional to join your team? Or perhaps you are looking for your next career opportunity?
20 February, 2020

Sukh Sandhu

Are you looking for a VET professional to join your team? Or perhaps you are looking for your next career opportunity?

Specialising in recruitment Australia wide, Career Calling Jobs work with a large number of qualified and passionate candidates searching for the next challenge in their career within the VET sector. Our platform receives an extraordinary number of applications from candidates who are specifically seeking employment in the industry. We are currently working with professionals who […]

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I paid for it – why don’t I own it? – the copyright trap, article by Margaret Ryan, Lawyer and Trade Marks Attorney
20 February, 2020

Sukh Sandhu

I paid for it – why don’t I own it? – the copyright trap, article by Margaret Ryan, Lawyer and Trade Marks Attorney

If your business commissions a graphic artist to create a logo and brand collateral for the business, who owns the copyright in the artwork? Have you thought about this? It is important that businesses do think about this when commissioning third parties to create artistic works and literary works. These works can include: logos; artwork […]

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SA Govt invests in vocational education and training
18 February, 2020

Sukh Sandhu

SA Govt invests in vocational education and training

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Vocational education and training
18 February, 2020

Sukh Sandhu

Vocational education and training

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Mitchell Institute releases new report and sounds VET funding alarm
18 February, 2020

Sukh Sandhu

Mitchell Institute releases new report and sounds VET funding alarm

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VET Student Loan Caps Lifted
18 February, 2020

Sukh Sandhu

VET Student Loan Caps Lifted

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I want to voice my opinion – Your letters and emails to us
17 December, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

I want to voice my opinion – Your letters and emails to us

In this newsletter, we are selecting this email that we received from one of our subscribers genuinely questioning the current regulatory environment on the Registered Training Organisations: Thank you for your ongoing support of the VET Sector and in particular your reporting on the actions of ASQA.  I have worked in the VET industry for […]

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The VET Sector News II – December 2019
17 December, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

The VET Sector News II – December 2019

Apprentice and trainee commencements down in June 2019 quarter  The latest release of national apprentice and trainee data show commencements were down 3.3% to 33 295 in the June 2019 quarter, when compared with the same quarter in 2018. Apprentices and trainees 2019 — June quarter, published by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research […]

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Satisfaction with vocational education and training remains high
17 December, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

Satisfaction with vocational education and training remains high

New data from over 170 000 vocational education and training (VET) students shows that satisfaction with VET remains high, according to a new report by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). The annual National Student Outcomes Survey is Australia’s largest survey of VET students and provides information on employment outcomes and training satisfaction […]

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VET International Engagement Strategy 2025 launched
17 December, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

VET International Engagement Strategy 2025 launched

The Morrison Government has reaffirmed its commitment to ensure Australian VET sector continues to play a significant role in contributing to the development of a highly skilled workforce by lodging Vocational Education and Training International Engagement Strategy 2025. Australia’s first National Strategy for International Education 2025 enables Australia’s international education sector to be more innovative, […]

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National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Amendment Bill 2019
16 December, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Amendment Bill 2019

The National Vocational Education and Training regulator Amendment Bill 2019 has been lodged in the senate.  The proposed amendments are intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the ASQA’s regulation of the sector. The changes strengthen registration requirements, modernise information and data sharing and improve the administrative efficiency of the NVETR Act. Key reforms […]

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Communiqué for the COAG Skills Council Meeting – 22 November 2019
4 December, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

Communiqué for the COAG Skills Council Meeting – 22 November 2019

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Skills Council (the Council) held its second meeting today in Brisbane to agree on an ambitious approach to enhancing vocational education and training (VET). Council congratulated the winners and finalists recognised at the Australian Training Awards on their outstanding achievements. The winners and finalists offer a shining example of […]

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Industry consultation form released to assist development of VET accredited courses
18 November, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

Industry consultation form released to assist development of VET accredited courses

ASQA has released a tool to assist in the development of VET accredited courses. The following media released has been published by Australian Skills Quality Authority:  The Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2012 require a course developer to provide: evidence of an industry need and supporting evidence that industry consultation and validation of course content […]

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I want to voice my opinion – your letters and emails to us
18 November, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

I want to voice my opinion – your letters and emails to us

In this newsletter, we have selected this email received from one of our subscribers genuinely questioning the current regulatory environment of Registered Training Organisations: “It has been my experience as an RTO Manager that everyone except the RTO is protected in the current environment.  Students and staff can complain to ASQA and Smart and Skilled […]

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Review of Australian Qualifications Framework (Part 1)
18 November, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

Review of Australian Qualifications Framework (Part 1)

The AQF review, chaired by Victoria University tertiary education professor Peter Noonan, recommended a shake -up of Australia’s qualification system.  Under the recommended changes senior secondary students would also be able to study subjects at school that would count towards a vocational training qualification or university degree. The new changes will enable students to mix […]

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The VET Sector News
1 October, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

The VET Sector News

India is reforming education for the first time since 1986 – here’s why Australia should care India released a Draft National Education Policy (DNEP) in June 2019. It’s the first comprehensive policy proposal on education in the country since 1986 and a major, game-changing statement. Australia has a moral duty to engage with the global […]

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A 19-member panel Industry VET Stakeholder Committee working to deal with the VET challenges
1 October, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

A 19-member panel Industry VET Stakeholder Committee working to deal with the VET challenges

The Morrison Government has established its Vocational Education and Training (VET) Stakeholder committee to help drive its significant agenda of reform. Scott Morrison has flagged that VET reforms are a key reform agenda priority and is working to deal with the challenges outlined in the Joyce review that declared confidence in the sector was declining, […]

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The VET Sector News
18 September, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

The VET Sector News

Integration is the key to the future – TROY WILLIAMS Australia needs an integrated tertiary education system in which higher education plus vocational education and training operate as one but they retain their separate identities. The rationale is strong. Those entering the workforce today are likely to have three or four careers before they retire, […]

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VET accredited course leads the way
10 September, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

VET accredited course leads the way

There are two different kinds of training products delivered by registered training organisations (RTOs) within the VET industry: training packages and VET accredited courses.  According to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA):   “A VET accredited course has been assessed by ASQA as compliant with the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2012 and the Australian Qualifications […]

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VET Delivery to Secondary School Students
10 September, 2019

Sukh Sandhu

VET Delivery to Secondary School Students

Vocational Training offers learners the chance to gain the required knowledge and skills to work effectively in the workplace and be part of the workforce. Vocational education and training (VET) provide this opportunity through industry-developed training packages or accredited courses while learners are still studying at school.  These courses are usually delivered in years 10, […]

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