Setting up KPIs for your training organisation
17 July, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Setting up KPIs for your training organisation

As a training organization, one of the most important things you can do is to set up KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to track your progress. Doing so will help you stay on track and ensure that you’re providing the best possible service to your clients. What are KPIs? Key performance indicators (KPIs) are a set […]

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Annual performance reviews of your training organisation
17 July, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Annual performance reviews of your training organisation

Annual performance reviews are a key part of any training organisation’s quality improvement process. They provide an opportunity to review progress, identify areas for improvement and set goals for the coming year. Performance reviews can be used to assess an organisation’s effectiveness in delivering training, their customer service levels and the quality of their products […]

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The administrative responsibilities of the trainers and assessors in a training organisation
17 July, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

The administrative responsibilities of the trainers and assessors in a training organisation

Trainers or assessors in training organisations may have a variety of administrative duties. Some of these may be: Ensuring that all training and assessment materials are up to date and compliant with relevant legislation and standards Maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of students’ enrolment, attendance and progress Coordinating the delivery of training programs, and ensuring […]

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New Standards for Registered Training Organisations
17 July, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

New Standards for Registered Training Organisations

In early 2023, new standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are expected to be released, which will emphasise self-assurance practices and organisational culture and practices. This is a significant change from the current standards, which focus mainly on compliance with government regulations. The new standards are designed to help RTOs create a more holistic approach […]

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An ASQA initiative called Pathways and Perspectives has been launched
17 July, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

An ASQA initiative called Pathways and Perspectives has been launched

The excellent initiatives that ASQA is taking to deliver information to the VET and RTO sectors are worthy of appreciation. They have recently begun a project called Pathways and Perspective, which is an effective technique of informing and communicating with the VET industry. The community is provided with facts, insights, and noteworthy stories on the […]

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An operational plan for your training organisation
27 June, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

An operational plan for your training organisation

An operational plan is a document that outlines the key components of a training organisation’s operations. It includes information on the organisation’s structure, staffing, facilities, equipment, and procedures. An operational plan is an important tool for ensuring that a training organisation runs smoothly and efficiently. A training organisation needs an operational plan in order to […]

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A strategic plan for your training organisation
27 June, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

A strategic plan for your training organisation

A strategic plan is a roadmap for an organisation’s journey to success. It sets out the organisation’s goals and how it intends to achieve them. A strategic plan is essential for any training organisation that wants to grow and be successful. Without a strategic plan, a training organisation is likely to flounder. Its goals will […]

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The four key pillars of the strategic plan for a training organisation
27 June, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

The four key pillars of the strategic plan for a training organisation

As an RTO, it is important to have a strategic plan in place in order to ensure continued success. The four key pillars of a successful RTO’s strategic plan are quality, innovation, service, and growth. These pillars are essential in ensuring that the organisation can provide effective training that meets the needs of its clients. […]

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Maintain compliance and regulatory register to record legislation change
27 June, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Maintain compliance and regulatory register to record legislation change

You can be asked by the regulatory body to demonstrate how you identify legislation change, what you did to demonstrate compliance and how the information related to legislation and regulatory changes and their impact on the training organisation was communicated to the RTO stakeholders so that everyone stays up-to-date within your training organisation. SRTOs 2015 […]

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Operate from a position of compliance.
27 June, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Operate from a position of compliance.

The Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) regulatory framework is dynamic. There are regular changes to standards, requirements and conditions. As a provider of training services, you need to stay up-to-date with these changes to ensure you continue to operate from a position of compliance. Here’s a breakdown of some key areas relating to compliance […]

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The complaint management processes for a training organisation
27 June, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

The complaint management processes for a training organisation

It is a requirement of the Standards for RTOs 2015 that all Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) have a system in place to manage complaints. This means having procedures and processes in place to handle any complaints made by learners, employees, employers, and other members of the public. The system should be accessible to all stakeholders […]

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Continuous improvement theories and practices for a training organisation
27 June, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Continuous improvement theories and practices for a training organisation

A training organisation is always looking for ways to improve the quality of its services. Continuous improvement theories and practices can help to identify and implement improvements. The following are some theories and practices that can help a training organisation to improve continuously: Organisations need to identify the areas where they need to improve and […]

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Seeking independent advice from an experienced RTO consultant
27 June, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Seeking independent advice from an experienced RTO consultant

If you’re looking to set up or improve an RTO, it’s important to seek out independent advice from an experienced consultant. With so many different providers and options available, it can be hard to know who to trust. An experienced consultant will be able to help you navigate the maze of regulatory requirements, and develop […]

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How to protect the financial health of your training organisation
12 June, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

How to protect the financial health of your training organisation

As a training organisation, you need to be financially healthy to survive and thrive. There are many things you can do to protect the financial health of your organisation, but here are ten of the most important: First, make sure you have a clear understanding of your costs. This includes both your fixed costs (e.g. […]

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How to become a Registered Training Organisation in Australia.
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

How to become a Registered Training Organisation in Australia.

There are a number of requirements that need to be met in order to become a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in Australia. These include: having a business name and ABN being a legal entity in Australia having appropriate insurance cover having a physical presence in Australia having suitably qualified staff having robust policies and procedures […]

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How to become a trainer and assessor in Australia.
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

How to become a trainer and assessor in Australia.

There is currently a high demand for qualified trainers and assessors in Australia, so if you have the relevant skills and qualifications, you should be able to find work in this field. Becoming a trainer and assessor can be a rewarding career choice, allowing you to share your knowledge and expertise with others. It can […]

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Top 10 common AVETMISS issues and how to resolve them
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Top 10 common AVETMISS issues and how to resolve them

All RTOs must collect a range of data from their students and report all their delivery activity (known as Total VET activity) to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), at least annually. This data is used to improve education and training outcomes for students, industry, and the community. Below are some of the […]

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Quality Management Systems for Registered Training Organisations
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Quality Management Systems for Registered Training Organisations

Registered training organisations (RTOs) operate in a highly regulated environment. To be registered, RTOs must comply with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. These Standards require RTOs to develop and implement a quality management system (QMS). A quality management system (QMS) is a formalised system that documents processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving […]

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Verification of trainer credentials
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Verification of trainer credentials

As an RTO business owner or manager, you understand the importance of having qualified and experienced staff. This is especially true when it comes to trainers, who play a vital role in ensuring your students are properly educated and trained. However, verifying the credentials and experience of trainers can be a time-consuming and difficult process. […]

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Compliance is not one person’s responsibility in a training organisation
22 May, 2022

Sukh Sandhu

Compliance is not one person’s responsibility in a training organisation

In a training organisation, compliance is not just one person’s job. Compliance is the responsibility of everyone in the organisation, from the CEO down to the entry-level staff member. Sure, there may be someone whose job it is to oversee compliance related matters, but that doesn’t mean that they are the only one responsible for […]

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