25 April, 2022

Experts to support ASQA regulatory efforts, strategic vision

The government has established a new national advisory council to support the best practice regulation of Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector.
Peter Costantini will chair the new council, comprised of members professor Valerie Braithwaite, Renee Hindmarsh, Dr Grant Klinkum, Adrienne Nieuwenhuis, Neil Quarmby, and Dr Don Zoellner.
The expert Vocational Education and Training Regulator Advisory Council will back the work of the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). It has been set up in response to a recommendation from the rapid review of ASQA’s governance, culture and regulatory practice two years ago.
ASQA CEO Saxon Rice issued a statement this month explaining the new members had been appointed for their governance, regulation, industry engagement, and education and training expertise.
“ASQA’s purpose is to ensure quality VET so that students, employers, governments, and the community have confidence in the integrity of national qualifications issued by training providers.
“Our overarching goal is to move from input and compliance controls, to a focus on self-assurance and excellence in training outcomes,” Rice said.
ASQA’s current governance arrangements were introduced under law reforms in 2020 and included the formation of an advisory council comprising experts from regulatory practice, sector and business engagement, and education and training.
The council is expected to help the agency with continuous governance practice improvement and provide high-level ongoing expert advice for ASQA’s strategic objectives and approach to regulation.
“The advisory council presents a valuable source of strategic advice to ASQA as a regulator and signals our commitment to learning from the expertise of others as we continue to build and maintain the confidence and trust of those we regulate and the broader community,” Rice said.
For more information, please visit Experts to support ASQA regulatory efforts, strategic vision

3 years ago