25 April, 2022

How colleges and universities are reimagining remote learning

Just two years ago, universities around the world closed their campuses at the pandemic’s onset, and embarked on a never-before-tried experiment: delivering education 100 percent remotely. The results have been mixed, especially in low- and middle-income countries, but universities everywhere agree that online classes are a permanent feature.
The question is how to do it most effectively, yielding the best results for the students, the university, and local employers.
University leaders in emerging markets acknowledge that the role of the private sector in higher education has grown greatly in the last two years from both supply and demand perspectives: first, universities are providers of online options, and second, they are listening to employers seeking graduates with skills that match jobs.
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only accelerated trends toward online learning, these leaders have said, but it also has broadened the types of people who want targeted skills training to prepare them for jobs of the future.
For more information, please visit What is the most effective way to learn virtually? | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)

3 years ago